Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I went to sleep at 7pm or so, and woke up at 4am. This is what happens when I get random weekdays off. My bad, Alex. However, when I woke up at 4am, I ate an 8-hours-too-late dinner, and proceeded to smoke a cig afterwards in the early morning rain. As I inhaled the addictive fumes, I realized I could and SHOULD drive my ass straight to north Tahoe and snowboard solo. The timing was almost perfect; it was a few hours away from the standard opening times of ski resorts, and it was raining in the valley (which meant there would be a new layer of snow in the mountains. All I needed was to tune (wax) my board, and I was ready to hit whatever the mountain threw at me.

Alas, I realized I had some shit to straighten out today, and ignoring this business would be bad. Next week, definitely. Or at least Saturday. Ride Or Die season commences.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Dear Rod,

I'm sorry I've been absent lately, but it just seems like I'm not really needed right now. You've ignored my advice recently, and it resulted in nearly a thousand dollars of credit card charges in a mere three days. I think it would be best if we didn't hang out so often anymore, because you might actually get me into some serious trouble, too. I mean, its great we're like partners and all, but you and me combined could be epicly retarded. Like deciding to work a graveyard shift, dropping out of useful college classes, and trying to publish a book? As I said, idiotic to the highest degree.
Admittedly, I know we have a lot of work left to do together, but right now, I got to do things for me. Give me some time, things will be okay in a week or so. Eh, what the hell, I'm lying. You're screwed after three hours without my help. Fuck it, I'm out of here.

Your brain